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We believe that the way to unlock full human potential is to give people access to the best representations of information.

Take any reading -- book, play, magazine, you name it. Upload it to our platform and we’ll give you an instant summary, plus a platform for you to ask questions.

Get the key ideas of a text within minutes, and dive deeper for the full context.

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How does Snapnotes work?

Every document uploaded to Snapnotes is faxed straight to our resident otter, Snap, who will fervently munch on your printed notes and type out a summary with key quotes. Once he finishes up, we display the summary and key quotes from your document in an accessible guided-reader interface. Snap holds three PhDs and a J.D. in international labor law. He is an accomplished author and voracious reader.

These days, he spends most of his time writing prompts for ChatGPT (and shucking oysters!).

Doesn’t making summaries defeat the purpose of reading?

Every work of writing is an act of compromise between the writer and the reader. The less the writer does to simplify, the more work the reader must to do interpret. While the complexity of a text is often useful, it may also be redundant or outdated. Rather than hiding the complexity of the text, we show both text and summary in a single interface, with citations linked back to the text.

Our goal is to empower you to see the most important details of a reading at a glance, while giving you the context to dive deeper.

I have other questions.

Have feedback on your experience? Questions? Suggestions? Waxing philosophical on the future of AI-enabled knowledge?

We'd love to hear it. Shoot us a note at

Please sign in or sign up to start generating notes. Otherwise, feel free to browse already uploaded readings first.